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Seorang Anak yang lahir dengan segenap cinta beserta tangan Allah yang selalu menyelimutinya dengan selimut cinta-Nya. Seorang anak yang bernama Nofriza Nindiyasari lahir tanggal 8 November 1981, anak paling bungsu di keluarga kecil yang bahagia. Tomboy, jail dan Nakal itu identitas dari sosok Nofri yang tidak bisa lepas hingga sekarang, gadis yang dikenal cuek dan suka ngerjain orang. Selamat berkenalan denganku semoga kalian bisa sedikit tahu tentang gadis tomboy ini dan kehidupannya.



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28 April 2005

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Friday, July 21, 2006

My New Room...

Sounds great when i have my own room, actually from my sister married i have my own room, but this is where i can called room, since yesterday...
When all my electrical stuff moved here. My Constantio... my lovely computer, my original desk to put Deva, my lovely laptop, and my dvd, my 14' monitor now its turn to be my own television and to play dvd. And The little speaker... so its seems like i have my own home theater.
I can play anything i want, can be disturbing by my mother rule. And one thing... (i think i almost forgot) i bring my little bed in here to, like a japanese people, my room have no chair... you must sit on the floor, so you can see anything.

It will be nice i think, for next day, i will have many consentrate in here, newsflash, i think i must buy new antena for my tv tuner, coz i am still using my mom antena in her room.
It is So cleary and peacefull, but its still looks dark when you in to it, but lately i would make it better, or maybe it couldn't. i still remember, what happened inA a year ago, i just tried to make this room more comfortable for me, but it couldn't work coz... the old reason is my mom, she hated the wall full of poster that she think it would make it dirty, and there're not any art list in her brain. So... what should i told yu... i am not to try it anymore, old stuff can make old dark memories rise again, right?, like they wake up from their grave... i dont make any fight, i am just make my mouth shut down... and just think tomorrow, i should go home very late, so when i come home, i will be very tired and will be early to go to sleep. No chat... just sleep till the sun rising again... and my mom will be go to work at day.

And about DVD, alot film i have been watched yesterday, like Smallville..., And my fav is Harry Potter, i watched it twice, THE GOBLET OF FIRE, i still like the novel more than the film. And the most favorite serial movie is still FRIENDS... Just like the one scenario in THE PERFECT MEN film said that "Love came from the Friendship..." Its means alot... and i think its right, and how about you?


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